20//- の糸を使用した度詰ワッフルサーマルT シャツ。引き揃えの糸を使用したオリジナルのワッフルは糸が生きており、斜行を抑える働きがあります。
定番のLot.5222L Flat Seam Heavyweight Longsleeve T Shirt と同型で縫製はフラットシーマーを採用しております。縫目がフラットに仕上がるためゴロツキ感も無く着心地も最高です。
24AW シーズンは定番の2色の他にシーズン限定カラーとして顔料染め( ピグメントダイ) のO.D、Beige の2色が追加となります。
●綿 100%
●Original 20//- Tight Tension Waffle
●カラー:O.D / Beige
The stress-free comfort of this heavyweight item is achieved by a special spinning process that makes the yarns airy, and the material is then knit on a hanging knitting machine, completing each size separately to fit you perfectly and still get better the more you wear it.
The material changes easily over time and has the texture of an authentic vintage American T-shirt. The collar, cuffs, and hem are all made of milled fabric and finished with a binder to prevent any sagging or bunching up.
The sleeves are made with 4-needle flat seams to increase the comfort when worn. For us at Fullcount,this is a condensation of all our skills, and we’re sure you’ll also appreciate our attention to detail.
For the 24AW season, in addition to the two standard colors, two seasonal colors will be added: pigment dyed O.D and Beige.
Because the large pigment particles dye the surface of the fabric, uneven dyeing occurs, and the more it is washed and worn, the more the color on the surface fades, evolving into a tasteful color pattern similar to denim.
● Beige / O.D
● Original 20//- Tight Tension Waffle
● Cotton 100%
サイズ | 38 | 40 | 42 |
身幅 | 48 | 54 | 54 |
肩幅 | 47 | 48 | 49 |
着丈 | 61.5 | 61.5 | 62 |
袖丈 | 54.5 | 55.5 | 56.5 |
タイトテンション カットソー サーマル FADE 経年変化 長T 長袖T ワッフルT ワッフル長T ロンT 24AW